Event Handling

Rather than creating a separate file for events, Reciple allows you to create them within the module containing your command or another module.

You can add an event listener using the client property passed to the onStart method of your module. You can create a separate event module by creating a new file in the ./modules/events folder.

You can create a subfolders for the events folder so your event files doesn't end up in the same place.
export class MyModule {
    onStart({ client }) {
        client.on('messageCreate', message => this.handleMessageCreate(message));

        return true;

    async handleMessageCreate(message) {
        if (!message.author.bot || !message.content.includes(message.client.user.id)) return;

        await message.react('👀').catch(() => null);

export default new MyModule();

That module now has an event listener that listens for messages containing the bot’s user ID.

Hi Guide Bot

Interaction Events

Working with message components and modals can make handling interactions difficult, so Reciple provides an external module called reciple-interaction-events to make things easier.

Two ways to install reciple-interaction-events

  • Select the addon reciple-interaction-events when creating the bot project using npm create reciple@latest
  • Install the package reciple-interaction-events using npm i reciple-interaction-events.
    • Then create a new module in your ./modules/addons folder. In this case we will name it reciple-interaction-events.js.
      import { RecipleInteractionEvents } from 'reciple-interaction-events';
      export default new RecipleInteractionEvents();

After installing reciple-interaction-events, You can now add new property called interactionEvents in any of your modules to handle certain types of interactions.

In this example, we will create a slash command with a surprise button 🎉. First, create the command module.

import { SlashCommandBuilder } from 'reciple';
import { ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle } from 'discord.js';

export class MyModule {
    commands = [
        new SlashCommandBuilder()
            .setDescription('Get surprised!')
            .setExecute(async ({ interaction }) => {
                await interaction.reply({
                    content: 'Click the button bellow',
                    components: [
                        new ActionRowBuilder()
                                new ButtonBuilder()

    onStart({ client }) {
        return true;

export default new MyModule();

After creating the command, add the interaction listener to the interactionEvents property.

import { SlashCommandBuilder } from 'reciple';
import { ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle } from 'discord.js';
import { InteractionListenerType } from 'reciple-interaction-events';

export class MyModule {
    commands = [
        new SlashCommandBuilder()
            .setDescription('Get surprised!')
            .setExecute(async ({ interaction }) => {
                await interaction.reply({
                    content: 'Click the button below',
                    components: [
                        new ActionRowBuilder()
                                new ButtonBuilder()

    interactionEvents = [
            type: InteractionListenerType.Button,
            customId: 'surprise',
            execute: async interaction => {
                await interaction.reply({
                    content: 'You are awesome 💖',
                    ephemeral: true

    onStart({ client }) {
        return true;

export default new MyModule();

When you run that command and press the button, it will send a response message.

Click the button below Surprise Click to see attachment You are awesome 💖

You can use dynamic custom id/command name by setting the customId/commandName property of your event listener to a function.

interactionEvents = [
        type: InteractionListenerType.Button,
        customId: i => i.customId.startsWith('surprise'),
        execute: async interaction => {
            await interaction.reply({
                content: 'You are awesome 💖',
                ephemeral: true