
Cooldowns are useful for preventing users from repeating the same actions in a short period of time. This guide will explain how to use Reciple cooldowns.

Cooldowns are set by adding the .setCooldown() to your command builder when creating your command. For example if you want to make a ping slash command with 5 seconds cooldown we will code it like:

import { SlashCommandBuilder } from 'reciple';

export class MyModule {
    commands = [
        new SlashCommandBuilder()
            .setDescription('Pong command')
            .setCooldown(5 * 1_000)
            .setExecute(async ({ interaction }) => {
                await interaction.reply('Pong!');

    async onStart() {
        return true;

export default new MyModule();
You can use .setCooldown() on all command builders.

By default, when a user has been cooled-down, the interaction/message is ignored without replying to the command. You can add a cooldown message by using the command halt.

Create a new file in a folder that is not your modules folder. In this case we will use ./halts/cooldowns.js. Inside that file, create your command halt object.

import { CommandHaltReason, CommandType } from 'reciple';
import { time } from 'discord.js';

export default {
    id: 'my.cooldowns',
    commandTypes: [CommandType.ContextMenuCommand, CommandType.MessageCommand, CommandType.SlashCommand],
    halt: async data => {
        if (data.reason !=== CommandHaltReason.Cooldown) return;

        const executeData = data.executeData;
        const cooldown = data.cooldown;
        const createResponse = data.commandType === CommandType.MessageCommand
            ? options => executeData.message.reply(options)
            : executeData.interaction.deferred
                ? options => executeData.interaction.editReply(options)
                : executeData.interaction.replied
                    ? options => executeData.interaction.followUp(options)
                    : options => executeData.interaction.reply(options);

        await createResponse({
            content: `Slow down! the command can be used again ${time(cooldown.endsAt, 'R')}`,
            ephemeral: true

To use that command halt, you can add it to your global command halts or add it to every single commands using command builder’s .addHalts().

Pong! You can execute this command again in 4 seconds