Error Handling

Using our external package reciple-anticrash simplifies error handling. This prevents process and client errors from crashing your bot; instead, they log the stack trace and send the error to a Discord channel for convenient debugging.

Two ways to install reciple-anticrash

  • Select the addon reciple-anticrash when creating the bot project using npm create reciple@latest
  • Install the package reciple-anticrash using npm i reciple-anticrash.
    • Then create a new module in your ./modules/addons folder. In this case we will name it reciple-anticrash.js.
      import { RecipleAnticrash } from 'reciple-anticrash';
      export default new RecipleAnticrash({
        reportChannels: process.env.ERROR_CHANNELS ? process.env.ERROR_CHANNELS.split(',') : []

To add error channels, simply create a new entry in your .env file and add your channels separated by commas.


Now, whenever there is an error, your bot will display these fancy error messages in its logs and error channels without crashing the entire bot process!