
It is not necessary to modify the config file after you have completed the setup of your bot. But doing so is also acceptable! The file reciple.mjs in your bot’s root directory contains the current Reciple configuration.

Reciple Config

Reciple configuration allows you to change some of Reciple’s behavior and expand its functionality.


Your bot token is not directly stored in your configuration to prevent it from being leaked when using git.

export const config = {
    token: process.env.TOKEN ?? ''

By default, Reciple will create your Discord bot and use the TOKEN environment variable to find your Discord bot token.

It is not recommended to add your Discord bot token directly in your configuration file.


You can also disable specific command types and their related features such as cooldowns. Command configuration also allows you to specify which guild the application commands should be registered to.

Application Commands

The application commands are the context menus and slash commands.

export const config = {
    commands: {
        contextMenuCommand: {
            enabled: true,
            enableCooldown: true,
            acceptRepliedInteractions: false,
            registerCommands: {
                registerGlobally: true,
                registerToGuilds: []
        slashCommand: {
            enabled: true,
            enableCooldown: true,
            acceptRepliedInteractions: false,
            registerCommands: {
                registerGlobally: true,
                registerToGuilds: []
  • acceptRepliedInteractions Prevents replied or deffered interaction commands from executing in order to avoid errors with previously replied commands.
  • registerCommands Allows you to specify where these commands are registered.
    • registerGlobally Whether to register your commands globally.
    • registerToGuilds An array of server ID where these commands should be registered.

Message Commands

Message commands are executed using prefixed messages. These are commonly referred to as “traditional commands”.

export const config = {
    commands: {
        messageCommand: {
            enabled: true,
            enableCooldown: true,
            commandArgumentSeparator: ' ',
            prefix: '!'
  • commandArgumentSeparator The character that separates the arguments of the commands.
  • prefix The character that is used at the start of a message to indicate a message command.

Example Usage of Message Command

!ping !ping Pong!

Application Command Register

Just like the context menu and slash commands’ config, you can also configure both with applicationCommandRegister.

export const config = {
    applicationCommandRegister: {
        enabled: true,
        allowRegisterGlobally: true,
        allowRegisterToGuilds: true,
        registerEmptyCommands: true,
        registerToGuilds: []
  • allowRegisterGlobally Allows your application commands to be registered globally. This config will overwrite all application commands’ config if set to false.
  • allowRegisterToGuilds Allows your application commands to be registered to guilds. This config will overwrite all application commands’ config if set to false.
  • registerEmptyCommands Whether your application should register commands when empty.
  • registerToGuilds An array of server ID where application commands should be registered. This will not overwrite the existing command config.


This configuration allows you to modify the Discord.js Client options, which include intents, cache options, and more.

export const config = {
    client: {
        intents: [

View ClientOptions Docs


This config allows you to configure the Logger.

export const config = {
    logger: {
        enabled: true,
        debugmode: null,
        coloredMessages: true,
        disableLogPrefix: false,
        logToFile: {
            enabled: true,
            logsFolder: './logs',
            file: 'latest.log'
  • debugmode Shows some debug messages to the console.
  • coloredMessages Prints console messages with colors.
  • disableLogPrefix Disables the time and context prefix of a log message.
  • logToFile Config for the log files.
    • logsFolder The folder where log files are saved.
    • file The name of the latest log file.


This configuration allows you to change the directory where modules are stored and the files that should be excluded.

export const config = {
    modules: {
        dirs: ['./modules', './modules/*', './modules/*/*'],
        exclude: ['halts', 'preconditions', '_*'],
        filter: file => true,
        disableModuleVersionCheck: false
  • dirs An array of directory names that contains the module files. This config also accepts glob patterns.
  • exclude An array of file or dir names to exclude from loaded modules. This also accepts wildcard patterns.
  • filter A function that returns a boolean. This functions filters the module files to be loaded.
  • disableModuleVersionCheck Whether to check if the module supports the current version of Reciple.


Preconditions are functions that are executed before a command execution, and it determine whether the execution must continue. Built-in preconditions includes the CooldownPrecondition and CommandPremissionsPermissions.

export const config = {
    preconditions: [
        new CooldownPrecondition(),
        new CommandPermissionsPrecondition()

Create your own preconditions by following the precondition schema View Docs

Command Halts

Command halts are functions that are executed after the command is terminated. This allows you to handle command errors, cooldowns, and precondition triggers. This config sets the global command halts for every commands.

export const config = {
    commandHalts: []

Create your own command halt by following the command halt schema View Docs

Cooldown Sweeper Options

This config allows you to modify the cooldown sweeping options.

export const config = {
    cooldownSweeperOptions: {
        timer: 1000 * 60 * 60
  • timer The interval when to sweep unused cooldowns.
  • filter The cooldown sweep filter function that returns a boolean when a cooldown is unused.
  • maxAgeMs The max age of a cooldown to be marked unused.

Check For Updates

By default, Reciple checks for updates when Reciple process is started.

export const config = {
    checkForUpdates: true


Changing this value has the potential to break Reciple. This property determines the supported version of a Reciple configuration.
export const config = {
    version: '^9.x.x'