
Before we begin, there are different ways to install Reciple with Discord.js. In this case we’re going to use our create-reciple cli. Initialize your project by using npm create in your terminal.

npm create reciple@latest ./mybot
./mybot will be the root directory of your Reciple bot
You need at least Node.js version 18.x to use Reciple

Once you enter the command, the program will ask you to set up your bot. First, it will prompt you to select whether you want to use Typescript, and in this case, we will only use JavaScript by pressing Enter.

┌  create-reciple
◆  Would you like to use typescript?
│  ○ Yes / ● No

After that, you can select an optional addons for Reciple. These addons are just pre-made Reciple modules.


  • reciple-interaction-events Guide. Add property in Reciple modules to listen to interaction events.
  • reciple-anticrash Guide. Catch errors and report it in a Discord channel.
  • reciple-dev-commands NPM. Create dev only commands.
  • reciple-registry-cache NPM. Cache application commands to prevent API spam.

To continue, press Enter.

┌  create-reciple v8.6.2
◇  Would you like to use typescript?
│  No
◆  Select a addons from Reciple (Press space to select, and enter to submit)
│  ◻ reciple-interaction-events
│  ◻ reciple-anticrash
│  ◻ reciple-dev-commands
│  ◻ reciple-registry-cache

After that, you will need to choose a package manager. Usually the current package manager is listed first. In this case we will use npm, but you are allowed to choose any package manager.

none will not install anything. This is useful for custom package managers
┌  create-reciple v8.6.2
◇  Would you like to use typescript?
│  No
◇  Select a addons from Reciple (Press space to select, and enter to submit)
│  none
◆  Select your preferred package manager
│  ● npm (Uses npm as package manager)
│  ○ yarn
│  ○ pnpm
│  ○ none

And lastly, your Discord Bot token. You can obtain your token from Discord Developer Portal. You can always change the token in your reciple.mjs config.

Refer to Setting up an application to learn how to create a Discord bot in Discord Developer Portal.

┌  create-reciple v8.6.2
◇  Would you like to use typescript?
│  No
◇  Select a addons from Reciple (Press space to select, and enter to submit)
│  none
◇  Select your preferred package manager
│  npm
◆  Enter your Discord bot token from Developers Portal
│   _

By default a template is chosen for your project, but sometimes you can choose different versions of templates depending on your setup config.

┌  create-reciple v8.6.2
◇  Would you like to use typescript?
│  No
◇  Select a addons from Reciple (Press space to select, and enter to submit)
│  none
◇  Select your preferred package manager
│  npm
◆  Enter your Discord bot token from Developers Portal
│   _
◇  Select a template
│  Javascript

After the setup, your package manager will install the dependencies for you, and your project will be ready. Use the cd command in your terminal to navigate to your bot’s root directory:

cd mybot

Your project directory should look like this

├── reciple.mjs
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── node_modules
└── modules/
    ├── addons/
    │   └── ....
    ├── commands/
    │   └── PingCommand.js
    ├── events/
    │   └── WelcomeEvent.js
    ├── halts/
    │   └── CommandErrorHalt.js
    └── preconditions/
        └── ExamplePrecondition.js
Reciple is an ESM only package, this means we will be using import statements instead of require
All modules folder (excluding the halts and preconditions) can contain any module that handles command or events. The folder names are just for categorization.

As you can see, there is no index.js or main file because the Reciple CLI handles everything for you. You can start your bot with these npm scripts. Except for halts and preconditions, all folders inside the modules folder are treated as module folders and subfolders by default.

npm run dev # Will start a watch mode with nodemon
npm run start # Starts the bot

Everything is all set!