
Reciple utilizes a module system in which a single .js file can contain commands, event handlers, and other components.


Reciple modules are saved in the folder specified in the reciple.mjs config.

// Module config (reciple.mjs)
export const config = {
    // other things
    modules: {
        dirs: ['./modules', './modules/*', './modules/*/*'],
        exclude: ['halts', 'preconditions', '_*'],
        filter: file => true,
        disableModuleVersionCheck: false
    // other things
dirs can accept glob patterns

Here’s an example project directory. Reciple will load modules from the specified folders and ignores halts, preconditions, and any file or folders that starts with an underscore _.

├── reciple.mjs
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── node_modules
└── modules/
    ├── addons/
    │   └── ....
    ├── commands/
    │   └── PingCommand.js
    ├── events/
    │   └── WelcomeEvent.js
    ├── halts/
    │   └── CommandErrorHalt.js
    └── preconditions/
        └── ExamplePrecondition.js


Reciple modules requires onStart properties to load. View Docs

class MyModule {
    id = 'my.module';
    name = 'Display Name';
    versions = ['^9'];
    commands = [];

    async onStart({ client }) {
        return true; // Always return true if the module is loaded

    async onLoad({ client }) {}
    async onUnload({ client }) {}

// ESM
export default new MyModule();


optional Your module id is the unique identifier of your module. It is used to easily find the module from the ModuleManager#cache.

IDs are randomly generated if undefined


optional Your module name serves as the display name of your module. This is used when logging the module; the logger will use the module name rather than the full file path.


optional The versions property defines the supported versions of reciple it can be loaded with.


optional The commands property is an array of command objects that define the commands your module will register.


The onStart method is executed when the module is resolved before the bot is logged in. This can be useful for starting the module and setting up its commands.


optional However, the onLoad method is executed after the bot is logged in.


optional Meanwhile, onUnload is executed when the module is unloaded or the bot process is stopping. This can be used for cache cleanup or to gracefully close down the module.