Migrating from v8

This page is will show the changes made to properly migrade from Reciple v8 to v9. If you are not migrating from v8, you can proceed to the next page.

What’s New

The next generation of Reciple has arrived with new cool features and fixes

Optional module versions property

The versions property is now optional! It’s been a long time since we actually used this property, its importance declined from the previous versions of Reciple making it redundant. By making it optional, we’re allowing previous devs to still support multiple Reciple versions if they want to.

export class MyModule {
    // ...
+   versions?: string[]; // Optional property
    // ...

export default new MyModule();

Custom Message Command Option Validation Errors

You can now return a string or an Error when the validation of a message command option has failed instead of just returning boolean. For example:

new MessageCommandBuilder()
    .setDescription('Test command')
    .addOption(option => option
        .setDescription('Option description')
        .setValidate(({ value }) => value === 'test' ? true : new Error('Invalid value'))

These error messages will be defined in MessageCommandOptionValue’s error property.

Restructured Command Halt

Command halts are very useful for handling post-command data such as error, cooldown, and precondition results. However, there was no way to handle them with multiple handlers.

Now, we can create command halts like you would with command preconditions. Instead of just one function, command halts can now be added into an array inside your command data.

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Global Halts

Setting halt for every single command was a pain by making your own modules and looping through the commands. But now, you can set a global command hal by importing the command halt object into the commandHalts property in your config.

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Breaking Changes

Since this is a major update, we’ve made some breaking changes. Please make sure to update your code accordingly.

Packages Are Now ESM Only

All packages are now ESM only. This means that you’ll need to use import instead of require.

The reason behind this decision is because require is not the standard way of importing packages and Discord.js has converted their type definitions into different types for cjs and mjs. This change made our previous TypeScript with ESM template unusable. But, since ESM is the standard for JavaScript uses import we’ve decided to migrate our code from cjs to esm only.

New Way of Setting Command Halts

.setHalt is now removed in favor of .setHalts and .addHalts. This change is made to support the new structure of command halts. Here’s the example of how to use this methods.

import MyCommandHalt from '../halts/mycommandhalt.js';

new SlashCommandBuilder()
    .setName('mycommand') // ... other command data ...
    .addHalts(MyCommandHalt) // Add command halt to the command.
    .setHalts(MyCommandHalt) // Set command halts to the command. This will override any halts added with `addHalts`.

Things That Are Removed or Replaced

  • @reciple/core

    - CommandManager.removePreconditions()
    + CommandManager.preconditions.delete()
    - CommandManager.disablePreconditions()
    + CommandManager.halts.each(p => p.setDisabled(true))
    - CommandManager.enablePreconditions()
    + CommandManager.halts.each(p => p.setDisabled(false))
    - CommandManager.getApplicationCommand()
    + RecipleClient.application.commands.cache.get()
    - CommandManager.fetchApplicationCommand()
    + RecipleClient.application.commands.fetch()
    - RecipleClient.executeCommandBuilderHalt()
    + CommandManager.executeHalts()
    - RecipleClient.executeCommandBuilderExecute()
    + CommandManager.executeCommandBuilderExecute()
    - CooldownPrecondition.create()
    + new CooldownPrecondition()
    - CommandPermissionsPrecondition.create()
    + new CommandPermissionsPrecondition()
  • @reciple/utils

    - parseMessageURL()
    + MessageURLData.parse()
    - fetchMessageURL()
    + MessageURLData.fetch()
  • @reciple/update-checker This package has been removed. The functionalities of these package was moved to @reciple/utils under the PackageUpdateChecker class.