Message Command Options

Reciple provides a built-in message command parser that can be used to parse command options and arguments from a message.

Simple String Option

import { MessageCommandBuilder } from 'reciple';

new MessageCommandBuilder()
    .setDescription('A test command')
    .addOption(option => option
        .setDescription('A test option')
    .setExecute(async ({ message, options }) => {
        const option = options.getOptionValue('option');
        await message.reply(`Received: **${option ?? 'Nothing'}**`);

Command Usage

!test Hello !test Hello Received: Hello

Validate & Resolve Command Option Values

You make your own option value validator and Resolver by using MessageCommandOptionBuilder#setValidator() and MessageCommandOptionBuilder#setresolvevalue()

import { MessageCommandBuilder } from 'reciple';

new MessageCommandBuilder()
    .setDescription('A test command')
    .addOption(option => option
        .setDescription('A test option')
        .setResolveValue(({ value }) => Number(value))
        .setValidator(({ value }) => !isNaN(Number(value)))
    .setExecute(async ({ message, options }) => {
        const option = await options.getOptionValue('option', { resolveValue: true });
        await message.reply(`Received: **${option ?? 'Nothing'}**`);
When using setResolveValue, you must use MessageCommandOptionManager#getOptionValue() with the resolveValue option set to true. This will make the return value of the option a Promise of the resolved value.

Command Usage

!test Hello !test 10 !test 10 Received: 10
You can handle invalid arguments by creating a command halt that handles the CommandHaltReason.InvalidArguments.

Custom Option Builders

Custom option builders allows you to use their prebuilt validators and value resolvers. For example, we will use the option builders from @reciple/message-command-utils.

import { MessageCommandBuilder } from 'reciple';
import { MessageCommandUserOptionBuilder } from '@reciple/message-command-utils'

new MessageCommandBuilder()
    .setDescription('A test command')
    .addOption(new MessageCommandUserOptionBuilder()
        .setDescription('A user option')
    .setExecute(async ({ message, options }) => {
        const user = await MessageCommandUserOptionBuilder.resolveOption('option', options);
        await message.reply(user
            ? `**${user.displayName}** ${}`
            : 'No user'

Command Usage

!test Hello !test 749120018771345488 !test 749120018771345488 Cat++ 749120018771345488

More @reciple/message-command-utils usage examples: Here