Module Splitting

Working on a big and growing project, putting your commands, event handlers, and more in a single file is not a very smart idea. Module Splitting is when you split the parts of your module into another modules.

To get started, configure your modules directory in your reciple.mjs to also scan the sub directory of your modules folder.

export const config = {
    // ...other config...
    modules: {
        dirs: ['./modules', './modules/*', './modules/*/*'],
        exclude: ['halts', 'preconditions', '_*'],

We can now create a subdirectory for our every modules. For example, we can create a module for handling advanced ping command with refresh button.

Create a new folder inside your modules folder. In this case we will name it Ping. Now create a new module named ping.js inside that will contain the commands.

import { SlashCommandBuilder } from 'reciple';
import { ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle, ComponentType, EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js';

export class Ping {
    commands = [
        new SlashCommandBuilder()
            .setDescription('Replies with Pong!')
            .setExecute(async ({ interaction, client }) => {
                await interaction.reply({ embeds: [this.createPingEmbed(client)] });

    createPingMessageOptions(client) {
        return {
            embeds: [
                new EmbedBuilder()
                    .setAuthor({ name: `Pong!` })
                    .setDescription(`🏓 ${} ms`)
            components: [
                    type: ComponentType.ActionRow,
                    components: [
                        new ButtonBuilder()

    onStart() {
        return true;

export default new Ping();

To handle the button interaction, we will use the reciple-interaction-events for handling interactions from interactionEvents property. Create a new module named ping-button.js in the same directory as the ping.js, then inside we will create the button listener to refresh the ping status.

import { InteractionListenerType } from 'reciple-interaction-events';
import Ping from './ping.js';

export class PingButton {
    interactionEvents = [
            type: InteractionListenerType.Button,
            customId: 'refresh-ping',
            execute: async interaction => {
                await interaction.deferUpdate();
                await interaction.message.edit(Ping.createPingMessageOptions(interaction.client));

    onStart() {
        return true;

export default new PingButton();

Now ping.js will be handling the command execution and the ping-button.js will handle the button interactions of the ping command.

🏓 300 ms Refresh